Unterfunktion der Schilddrüse bei Neugeborenen
Hypofunction of the thyroid gland in newborns (congenital hypothyroidism) can be divided into three forms:
- Developmental disorder of the thyroid gland: with this developmental disorder, the thyroid gland is absent (agenesis), the organ is too small (hypoplasia), or the thyroid gland is in an atypical position (for example at the base of the tongue).
- Hormone synthesis disorder: with hormone synthesis disorder, the defects can appear in various production steps (iodine uptake, iodine incorporation, and insufficient release).
Other causes (transient): extreme intrauterine iodine deficiency, iodine contamination, thyroid hyperfunction in the mother and thyrostatic therapy during pregnancy, transfer of blocking antibodies through the placenta.
This form of transient hypothyroidism lasts for several weeks – here too, the hypofunction must be treated until it normalizes.
After diagnosis, substitution therapy should begin immediately with Levothyroxine administered orally (for example, L-Thyroxin Henning® drops 100µg/ml) in order to prevent a developmental disorder.
If the cause of hypothyroidism is transient, therapy can be discontinued after normalization.