Ganzkörper-MRT ergänzend zur Gesundheitsvorsorge
For healthy individuals, MRT is a good examination method for preventive health care, because the magnetic field has no known negative effects on the body.
However, an examination that reliably excludes ALL potential disease is not possible!
A whole-body MRT cannot replace precise, detailed examinations of a specific region of the body. However, we offer you the possibility to plan your targeted MRT examination with our professionally trained staff and to adapt the examination concept to your personal disease risks and health concerns.
A whole-body MR is, for example, useful for aneurysm screening. Pathological vessel-dilation can be diagnosed well in both the brain and abdominal region. Good examination of the neck arteries and the pelvic and leg arteries is also possible, in order to assess the risk of potential vascular disease or clarify the stage of a so-called “shop-window disease” (claudicatio intermittens).
An examination of the entire spinal column is easily possible using MRT. Not only are collapsed vertebrae easily recognizable, a distinction can also be made between older and more recently collapsed vertebrae. Many collapse vertebrae go unnoticed, which leads to late detection of osteoporosis and delays the beginning of therapy. This is often the case with men in particular, who have a lower incidence of osteoporosis than women, and who are therefore not always as aware of the problem.
At your request, we can prepare an examination plan that is tailor-made for your needs!