Mammary gland tissue changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle. If you have an intact cycle, the examination should take place only during the period from the 7th to the 14th day after menstruation begins. If you take hormones, this medication should be discontinued 6 weeks before the examination.
Postmenopausal women can take the examination at any time.
The injection of a contrast agent into a vein is absolutely essential for MR mammography. During measurement, you will lie on your stomach, your breasts hanging down into an opening. The examination lasts approximately 20 minutes.
However, MR mammography can by no means replace conventional mammography and ultrasound.
MR mammography is particularly well suited for checkups after breast implants. The state and condition of an implant, and any ruptures or capsule fibrosis, are excellently presented. The mammary gland tissue around the breast implant can also be assessed well.
MR mammography for risk patients
Patients with a high family risk – with or without documented gene mutations – should have mammography done at regular intervals. This is recommended after the age of 30.
MR mammography is radiation-free.
There should be checks at yearly intervals for carriers of an abnormal gene.