Knochendichtemessung und FRAX Berechnung
Bone density measurement using the DEXA method
(Dual-energy X-Ray absorbtiometry)
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Preparation: none
The DEXA method is currently the best examination method for diagnosing osteoporosis e (gold standard).
Bone density measurement can be performed for all patients with a referral certificate from the Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse.
All patients who are ensured with the smaller health insurance schemes (BVA, KFA, SVA and VA) must pay the fee (35 euro) themselves and then send their receipt to the insurance fund.
Densitometry is a preventive examination for early detection or diagnosis of incipient osteoporosis (imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption in favor of bone resorption).
With the GE Lunar Prodigy, we offer you a device that meets the latest standards for low-radiation performance of DEXA bone density measurement, thereby fulfilling the most modern quality criteria.
Bone density measurement is indicated for adults to whom at least three of the following risk factors apply.
- Women from the age of 60 who have an additional risk factor
- Women from the age of 65 and men from the age of 70 without additional risk factors
- Adults with minimal trauma fractures
- Adults with suspected low bone density or rapid calcium loss (for example malabsorption syndrome)
- Adults who take medication that accelerates calcium degradation (for example cortisone)
Risk factors are:
- Light skin color
- Female gender
- Family history
- Severe back pain
- Excessive caffeine intake
- Excessive salt intake
- Smoking
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Low calcium intake in diet
- Vitamin-D deficiency
- Low body weight (< BMI 20)
- Unintended weight loss (more than 10%)
- Premature menopause
- Increased risk of falling
- Height loss of more than 4 cm
Important note:
Female patients must inform the staff of a pregnancy.