Ablauf der Untersuchung
CT preparation
As preparation for administration of the contrast agent, you should not eat any heavy meals 3 hours before the time the examination begins. Greater fluid intake (for example water, tea) is recommended.
The day before stomach and bowel examinations, you should avoid foods that cause flatulence and those that are hard to digest (including dairy products).
CT examination procedure
The entire examination time amounts to approximately 15 minutes.
You will be placed on an examination table that brings you slowly through a short, round device opening (gantry).
No “tunnel sensation” that could lead to claustrophobia should be expected, because the actual examination time is very short, and most of the body will come to rest outside the device-opening. During the examination, it is important that you lie still and hold your breath for short periods when asked to do so.
During the entire examination, which can be interrupted at any time, you will be in contact with our specialist personnel and under acoustical and optical monitoring by them.
We ask that you arrive approximately 20 minutes before the examination is scheduled to begin.
Using an information sheet and a statement of consent, we will discuss the examination with you and prepare an individual low-radiation procedure that will take into account your complaints and any previous ailments.